Organic Cotton Menstrual Products: Benefits & Reasons To Switch
Organic cotton is grown using methods and materials that have a low impact on the environment. With organic cotton, natural cleaning, whitening, dyeing, printing, and production are used to not only guarantee the safety of the consumers but also the environment. Organic cotton sanitary care products are more breathable and less likely to cause skin irritation, allergic reactions, and other health problems.
Unfortunately, the majority of menstrual care products contain toxins and other harmful elements that can contribute to poor health. Additionally, many non-organic cotton products contain more plastic than cotton or no cotton at all. It is important to not only look at the ingredients of our food but also the ingredients of our pads, tampons, and other sanitary care products.
Organic Pads
Due to the structure of organic cotton, menstruating people often complain about the “wetness” that is felt using organic pads compared to pads that use synthetic fibers. The truth is that synthetic fibers absorb liquids faster whereas organic cotton takes longer to absorb completely because of this, people think that organic cotton pads are less-absorbent which is not the case. Generally, organic cotton pads actually hold more liquid than synthetic fibers. Nonetheless, organic cotton pad users are more likely to change their pad because they can actually feel that it needs to be changed compared to non-organic users.
If you are still on the fence about organic pads, this video that demonstrates the burning of an organic versus non-organic pad may interest you. The video shows the potential toxins and other dangerous chemicals in a non-organic pad and what may be present in an organic pad. There is dark smoke rising from the burning non-organic pad, significant residue left behind, and a noticeable comparison in burn rate to the organic pad which burns clean and slow. It is important to note, the non-organic pad that is being used is an extra-absorbent pad, which contains a lot more plastic than cotton. While not every non-organic pad is made with that much plastic and has more of a balance between synthetic fiber and cotton, that shouldn’t deter you from going organic. In fact, a non-organic pad can contain as much plastic as four plastic bags. Imagine putting that much plastic near your intimate and most sensitive areas!
Organic Tampons
Naturally, people would be concerned about what goes into their vagina because of how easily the vagina absorbs things that are put into it. Tampons are especially important to evaluate, as they are inserted into the body. Although organic cotton tampons do not have the synthetic fibers that conventional tampons have it does not stop the risk of getting Toxic Shock Syndrome. Organic tampons (as well as organic pads) are better for the environment, especially in regard to the organic cotton production process.
Overall, organic pads, tampons, and other products are good for you, the environment, wildlife, and cotton farmers! You could help the planet, the living beings on it, and your vagina by making your next pad or tampon organic.